Monday, October 10, 2005


A weekend ago, we went to Grant Park and took part in "Race for the Cure" - a 5K run/walk that raises money for breast cancer research. This, of course, is our favorite charity. It was a fun day with beautiful fall weather - an ideal day for a run. They also gave away nice little gifts for survivors and Little Feisty took home a few things - including a nice t-shirt (besides our race shirts) and a little necklace. We bought a cool watch for her too.

I ran the race. Feisty walked the first part and then ran the rest. I was very proud of her. We had a great time.

Sticking with the theme, this past weekend was the Chicago Marathon - essentially the race I ran in Grant Park times nine. We went out to catch my friend Roger and just missed him twice as he ran a much faster pace than he indicated he'd run. Still, we had a good time cheering on the runners - there were some 40,000 - and I keep marveling at how some of these people can do it. I mean, I started running in 2001 and I can't really imagine not collapsing after about 10 miles maximum - let alone 26.2. But watching many of them certainly gets you thinking.

I'll admit, running a marathon is an interesting thought. And seeing how well Roger did - 4 hours, 20 minutes (and that's walking for 10 minutes every six miles or so) - was inspiring, especially since I'm one of two friends that got him into the sport. That said, I'd be pretty happy to continue running the way I do - perhaps stepping it up at times and running an organized 10K. I've always thought a marathon would be awesome, but a half-marathon (long e-freakin'-nough at 13.1 miles) is more feasible. That one would be challenging enough, no question, but I think I'd get a similar high from it. We'll see. If not, running some 5Ks and 10Ks is awfully fun.

I run for the great feeling I get - often during the run, but certainly afterwards. And I run for health. I started it as a stress relief and have continued it because it's such a great solitary pursuit for me. I couldn't stand to run as a kid and on through school - probably in large part because someone was forcing me to do it (gym class) - but now I'd be pretty bummed if I couldn't do it.


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